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Katherine Johnson

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De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
Katherine Johnson
Sexo feminin
Nascentia 1918-08-26 (White Sulphur Springs)
Decesso 2020-02-24 (Newport News)
Loco de reposo Hampton Memorial Gardens[*]
Ethnicitate Statouniteses african
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in West Virginia University[*], West Virginia State University[*]
Occupation computer scientist[*], physico, flight engineer[*], mathematico, Inseniante
Premios Presidential Medal of Freedom[*], Virginia Women in History[*], BBC 100 Women[*], Arthur B.C. Walker II Award[*], Congressional Gold Medal[*], NCWIT Pioneer in Tech Award[*], Hubbard Medal[*], National Women's Hall of Fame[*], honorary degree from Spelman College[*]
Lingua anglese, francese
VIAF 928148997583759870001
IMDB nm7394341
Commons Katherine Johnson

Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson (26 de augusto 1918 - 24 de februario 2020) era un mathematico e scientista spatial melio cognoscite pro su contributiones in travaliar a NASA al programma spatial statounitese. In 2015 illa recipeva le Medalia Presidential de Libertate statounitese. In le film de 2016 Hidden Figures illa era un del personages central, representate per le actrice Taraji P. Henson. Un centenario, Johnson celebrava su 101e die natal in 2019[1] e moriva le 24 de februario, 2020.[2]


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